Lakeshore CI

Lakeshore CI

Thursday, June 21, 2012

---Kinetic Typography Assignment---TGJ2OP---

I named my kinetic typography project 'Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech'. I heard this speech a while ago, and when we had to find a sound file for the project I kept it as an option.  For the project I used Adobe Flash and Adobe Illustrator. I hardly used Illustrator, I just used it for the words SUNSHINE in scene 2 and for HIM, HER and ANYBODY in scene 14. I also used Illustrator for the cat in scene 3 and the cancel sign in scene 7. Towards the end of the project I was getting really quick with the hot keys, it really does make it a lot faster. I really like how the final product looks, if I could change anything it would be keeping my symbols names straight, towards the end I found it more helpful to name it scene# then the word.  I chose to make the background black because black is a strong colour and I thought it was a strong speech. I used white font so it would contrast the background and make the words stand out more. I used Franklin Gothic Medium for the font because it is a bold font and it looked most like the font on the Rocky movie poster as well. Words that I wanted to be bold I made it red to contrast both the white and the black.  I found that importing illustrator files was difficult, if there was a little part that I didn’t like I would have to re-do it, re-import then re-animate. It wasn’t difficult it was the most time consuming part of the project. I think everyone in the class has really benefited from the help of the internet, it was a simple solution for most things and really saved a lot of us. I had to use it right at the end of my project, I didn’t know how to stop the animation from constantly looping, so I googled it and it was so simple, even though I had to get someone to show me! I look back at it, it was very simple to understand, and I was probably overthinking it. I really like how scene 3 turned out with the cat, I think it is subtle enough to make an impact but not bold enough to make the words un-legible. Over all I really like how the whole thing turned out, I think it looks REALLY good.

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