Lakeshore CI

Lakeshore CI

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Manet review

Manet  "A Bar at the Folies-Bergere"

In a café in Paris the light flickers and the volume of the people around me raises. I pull up a stool and then my next piece comes to me…  A Bar at the Folies-Bergere! Its perfect, and now I will explain the imitational, formal and emotional qualities of my genius idea.

There are some imitational qualities in this piece of art like all the detail of the bottles and bowls in the foreground. If you look closely at her dress you can see the different values in her dress. And look at the detail in the mirror you can almost see what the people are eating! Look at the waitresses ruffles there is so much detail. I love the use of the mirror in the background it makes the piece more interesting.

In this picture there are a lot of different shades of blue. The oranges in bowl is the first thing my eye goes to when I look at it. The chandeliers are a good use of the white and light blue. The reflection from the mirror definitely makes the piece more interesting. I also noticed that most of the people in the background are wearing black and that draws the eye to the foreground then back to the background and it just keeps your eye moving.

The picture makes me think of many things. Like was the artist waiting for someone? Look at the mirror in the top right corner, is that what Edmund Manet looked like? In a way this is a modified self- portrait. The waitress looks like its been a long day, she looks upset or tired. I think this piece is interesting because it has many different emotions in it.
thank you for reading!

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